Certificate in Humanitarian Logistics
Getting Started – STEP 1
As explained in your email to gain your Certification in Humanitarian Logistics you will complete 7 units, each comprising of a series of scenario-based tasks exploring core Humanitarian Logistics topics including: Humanitarian Supply Chains, Warehousing and Inventory, Procurement, Transport, Fleet Management, Cash Transfer Programming and Managing a Humanitarian Supply Chain Response.
The Programme is broken down into 2 PARTS and Certification can only be achieved if you successfully complete BOTH of the following:
Online Learning
CHL: Humanitarian Logistics Self-Guided Practice
This the Online Learning portion of the programme and consists of reviewing learning materials and answering online assessment activities and questions. The Self-Guided practice is available at DisasterReady.org and you can create an account completely free of charge.
Coached Tasks
LLA Distance Learning Coached Tasks
After passing the unit in the practice activity, you must complete coached assignments on that topic to demonstrate your skills. An LLA expert coach reviews your assignments, provides feedback, and and guidances. Upon successful completion of the assignment you move to the next unit in the self-guided practice activity. Coached-based assignments are managed by LLA through email and require downloading the full case study and learning materials available through our Campus.
Online Learning + Coached Tasks = FULL Certification
Step 1 of getting started with the programme is comprised of the following stages:
1. Create your DisasterReady.Org Account
You can sign up for your DisasterReady.org account please visit the DisasterReady website which can be found HERE.
DisasterReady have created a guide on how to create your account and access the Self-Guided Practice, you can find that guide by clicking HERE.
You can also find the initial webpage for the Self-Guided Practice HERE. Please note that you will need to have an account and be logged in for this link to work.
(Please note that Logistics Learning Alliance can offer no support with the DisasterReady website or the Self-Guided Practice. Please contact the DisasterReady Helpdesk for support with these by clicking HERE.)
2. Begin the CHL: Humanitarian Logistics Self-Guided Practice online learning
The first unit looks at Humanitarian Supply Chains.
When working through your programme you have the option to complete the Online Learning before the Coached Tasks, but we suggest that you complete the Online Learning and the Coached Tasks for each individual unit, before moving on to the next one. For example; complete the Online Learning and Coached Tasks for Unit 1 before starting Unit 2.
This is not required, but it is the easiest way to successfully complete the programme and gain your certification. Your LLA Coach can give you more detail once your begin your coached tasks.
Your coach will also advise you on how to provide evidence of successful completion of the Online Learning.
3. Receive your Certificate in Humanitarian Logistics STEP 2 Email.
Within 2 working days of receiving the Step 1 email that gave you the link to this page, you will receive your STEP 2 email, which will show you how to get started with the Coached Tasks.
As already stated we recommend that for each unit of the programme, you complete both the Online Learning and Coached Tasks before moving to the next unit.
(Please note that Logistics Learning Alliance can offer no support with the DisasterReady website or the Self-Guided Practice. Please contact the DisasterReady Helpdesk for support with these by clicking HERE.)