Creating a learning culture within your business
At LLA, we feel passionate about education and training within the workforce, especially when businesses are considering their employee’s development while creating a competitive advantage.
The benefit of offering your team members the opportunity to further themselves and their career is a clear indicator of the success of your business. Your employees are the driving force of your Company and if you invest in them, they invest in you.
Imagine having a workforce that are learning new skills, improving their knowledge and ultimately becoming better at their job – all without having to take time off work or sacrificing their current commitments. This means you’ll have a highly skilled workforce, capable of using all of that wonderful new knowledge, theories and practices in the workplace, boosting productivity and engagement.
The more engaged your staff feel the more likely they are to be loyal, improving your staff retention rates. It seems obvious to say it, but unfortunately, not all businesses take this into consideration. If your staff feel valued and invested in, they’ll enjoy coming to work.
People who enjoy their work produce better results. When your employees are enjoying their work, they are committed and driven to achieve, and you will notice the impact this creates within the team.
Businesses who provide their employees with a development plan layout clear directions they require from their employee’s. A career personal development plan combines what the business needs with what the employee wants. Understanding your employee’s strengths and weaknesses, creates opportunities for growth and development, you can improve their current skills and abilities and look at their strengths, therefore, improving those qualities and establishing any new training needs.
Taking out the risk factor – SCILplc is LLA’s unique delivery programme. It allows your employees to implement any new ideas and apply them in a risk-free environment to test how they would work in practice, in the workplace. SCILplc is a simulated company that has gone through a business merger. There is an organisation structure, a map of the depots and with real-life tasks, you would complete in the workplace. Using the risk-free SCILplc is highly regarded by our many students who frequently give testimony to this method of study. It puts a fun element in distance learning (e-learning) whilst coming from a mature environment.
Distance Learning qualifications offer your employees the opportunity to progress their career and value to your business whilst still being available in the workplace.
Delivering qualifications from institutes/organisations such as CILT and the UKWA offer your employee’s the “feel-good factor” It makes them feel valued and appreciated.
National government apprenticeships in all sectors of the supply chain, management, freight forwarding, and warehousing can be delivered by LLA using the same techniques. “Distance learning allows you to provide an “off-the-job” training element that is relevant and affirms the practical knowledge that they collect day-to-day”
Students study in a way that suits them, at their own pace and in the comfort of the workplace or their own home. No day release, no lectures to attend, what could be better?
We can also customize our courses, so they’re fully adapted to each business’s needs. You can choose the units that will benefit you and your business, and/or the learner’s career.
Our dedicated team of industry expert tutors coach the learner’s and help them to achieve the results desired.
The companies we work with are a testimony to our success, with Coca-Cola, Eddie Stobart, Raleigh and Gist to name a few.
By investing in your employees, you will create a learning culture within your business that will enhance and drive your business forward.
Think about it, talk about it, do it today…
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